We are passionate about our work and thats the primary qualification for anyone who joins us.
Our organization is democratic and everyone has assigned portfolios and tasks, however when it comes to the crunch, everyone is doing everything to help everyone. Our team has a perfect blend of energy and experience. This blend makes the team stronger together than apart.
She is the guiding force behind the organization and leverages her experience and knowledge of 25 years in streamlining the administrative and financial working of the company. She is a graduate from the Mumbai University and has managed many businesses to ensure they reach great heights.
Responsible for everything that happens, good and bad, he drives the company to excel in each and every department. He spearheads the development and expansion of the organization in to newer territories and services. Cherag has been responsible for the company's expansion in to the USA, Spain and UK. His impeccable people management skill ensures that the organizaton is always growing by leaps and bounds.
Rahul is responsible for the overall technology development. He has completed his Bachelor in Business Management from Scottish Church College, Kolkata. He is constantly in touch with our customers to find new ways to help them by adopting better and newer technologies. Not one to be bogged down by challenges, you can throw him one and we are sure he will solve it.
"I have been able to make changes to my registration plan on short notice and eregnow have responded positively within hours. It is heartening to see the passionate involvement of the management to help out and sort issues proactively..."
...eRegNow has proved to be the best and been a great support for our success too. Its not only their technical capability but also their attitude that has made our association stronger and enduring...
...eregnow is as simple as using Microsoft word, simple to configure, at ridiculously low prices, and backed by an extremely responsive support team...